Miles Kingdon
From his earliest cowboying days over 50 years ago on the vast Canadian prairie pasture lands of the PFRA, to British Columbia's historic big cow outfits, Miles Kingdon has certainly worn out his share of custom saddles. His formative years spent at Douglas Lake Cattle Company, under such respected horsemen as Stan Murphy and cattlemen Mike Ferguson and Orval Roulston, set the stage for later lead-off positions at large established commercial ranches in the Nicola Valley.
Notably, Miles held cowboss positions on the Bar K and the Gang Ranch; he was the manager at Empire Valley Ranch, and eventually served ten years as manager of cattle operations at Quilchena Cattle Company near Merritt, B.C.
The geographical diversity of these big outfits, from rough desert river breaks to sensitive bunchgrass valleys; from endless sections of golden prairie grassland, to the unique grazing found above British Columbia's timberline, has provided Miles with a true cowboy's grasp of practical horsemanship and livestock handling in all weather conditions, in all possible circumstances.

It is throughout these 50+ years in the industry and the study of the Californio Style Horsemanship that Miles has recognized the true meaning of an equine partnership built on trust, confidence and respect.